François De Kock - Great coaching starts with a great match

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Creating and nurturing healthy relationships

Relationships are crucial and play a big role in your coaching journey. Learn how to create, cultivate and maintain healthy relationships in all domains of your life. Get some relationship advice to enhance your empathy or emotional connection, improve your communication skills, and more.

When you choose a teacher, a guide, a coach, a master, you don’t only choose for an expert with the right tools and skills to support you. More than that, you choose for a role model. You choose for someone with a mindset, a practice or a way of life that you - consciously or unconsciously - seek to develop yourself. Often you see something in him/her, but you don’t exactly know what. You still have to find what it is, and that will be revealed in your work and relationship with your guide.

Would you like to create and sustain healthy relationships from now on? Let me tell you about mine, and maybe I’ll tell you about yours. Maybe.

There has been a huge contrast between my toxic and dysfunctional upbringing on one hand, and my spiritual and shamanic initiations on the other hand. The more I advanced in acquiring the most incredible spiritual insights, the further I moved away from my incomprehensible youth. Or so I thought. With the regularity of a clock, I have been confronted with heavy human weather in the most unexpected moments. That went on in parallel with my spiritual growth, though, until past my 60th birthday, when I first heard about narcissism and finally understood what this little boy had been exposed to. That is when, for the first time in my life, I had learned to put strong and healthy boundaries in place. When I had learned to rely unconditionally on “unconditionals”, on high priority values. As I found out, this had everything to do with healthy, joyful, constructive and mutually satisfying relationships.

From then on, I would settle for nothing less than what I called “the good match” in - without exception - all domains of my life. This is how I came to express that a great coaching starts with a great match. And that is what differentiates me from most coaches. It’s not only about you, and it’s not only about me. It’s about what happens between us. And, ultimately, coming out of your coaching, it will be about what happens between you and the whole wide world.

So, what are healthy relationships all about?

For starters, consider the term “relationship” in its broadest sense. Consider your relationships with humans, with animals, with all living beings, with all energies including invisible entities such as your guides or karmic friends for example, with the Universe. Some people say “I am in a relationship” only when they pursue a romantic interest, but the truth is that we are constantly in all kinds of relationships. When you adopt a holistic point of view on relationships, you offer yourself a chance to create an overall health in relationships. Some people speak about “their ex” when in fact their present moment is filled with the presence of their so-called ex, through the children they still care for, through the endless litigations, through their communications, through their feelings good or bad, and lots more stuff that make up a relationship.

The first healthy thing to do for your relationships is to see them all for what they are, to honestly evaluate what they are made of. We are not trained to do that, as we are used to cover the truth up with lots of stories we tell ourselves for various reasons. A great coaching will help you to gain an objective point of view on your relationships. Once your eyes are open about the way your relationships have worked for you so far, the sky becomes the limit for creating and nurturing healthy relationships.