Discover testimonies of those who did it

These are a few testimonies from those who know me the best, such as friends, clients, inspirers and colleagues.

William Berton

William Berton

I knew François from my time when I lived in Lille. He was one of the first to appeal to me with his charisma and his discoveries about “living well together”.

His approach is based on the challenge that he will be able to connect with his participants with, notably at the time, with “My 12 labors of Hercules”.

He also became a friend of color, and I came to host the Little Theater of Colors in his den.

I use William Berton's color cards on a daily basis, both professionally and privately. Discover his approach to colors in this excellent French speaking one and a half hour interview, new for 2024.



Picture of Johanne

I've met Francois in 2015, and worked individually with him for the first time a year later. He accompanied many of my developments at the time, before we both went our individual ways many years. We found each other back "by chance" in the spring of 2023, and in the meantime a lot of things had changed in my energy and my posture... and in François's too!

I myself have a wide range of tools to my credit in the field of support that I know well, in my own way. And when we met again I hadn't necessarily identified that I needed coaching with François. Or more precisely, I felt that there were blockages and that I was beating around the bush, but without having really decided how to work on them.

In a few discussions, working with François quickly became obvious. And more than 4 months later, I absolutely don't regret it. Our journey was truly “tailor-made”, regularly adapting to meet my needs and requests.

François accompanied me through a process that I would not have gone through alone, despite my own experience. François taught me to let go which was not in my DNA until then, while leaving me fully free to use my own talents and skills. His way of putting his finger on the needs to be highlighted is even more refined and more powerful than before. He was both very attentive and very impactful in his observations. This allowed me to put oil back into the cogs that have sometimes been blocked for a lifetime, or even beyond.

In such a short time, the distance we have traveled together is literally immeasurable. Simply, thank you.

Daniel Chali-Rached

Picture of Daniel Chali-Rached

I’ve met François about ten years ago. It was the beginning of my personal introspection. Last year, I was facing a struggling moment and no vision on how to manage this. François came directly in my mind, and we started a process together. And it was incredibly efficient!!

With his vision, his patience, his kindness and knowledge, he directly put the finger on the right place and at the right time.

His way of working gives the opportunity to understand and raise awareness of what is happening deep inside. The whole process is personalized: schedule, frequency, price, way of communication…

He customs his work to insure the efficiency of the exchange. Because it is an exchange! It is not like a dialog between a therapist and a patient. This is a conversation from human to human.

I can continue to give arguments, but I will just say: try the experience. And I present all my gratitude to François for all that we have already shared...

Lina Balhawan

Lina Balhawan

As François’ client and old friend, there is so much I can tell about him. That is why I will concentrate on what is relevant for me in these paragraphs.

François is very creative in everything he endeavors, always ahead in ideas, in creation, in building bridges between people making them feel at home. At the same time, he addresses each person in his or her own world, his or her mostly hidden and difficult issues to resolve.

François is also a great listener and a great compassionate soul, that is why he can see beyond the barriers of the ego, and helps reveal the essence that we are looking for. He is like a flow of continuous consciousness, which makes you present to yourself and able to surpass stagnation and ambiguity.

He can read you as a book from the first moment and is always actively present accompanying you to the end, that is when you pierce the ice and find the light at the end of the tunnel.

François communicates with every level of the being, from the mind, to the emotions, to the soul.

The methods François applies are non conventional and very effective with immediate results of awareness, which paves the way to change and to a fresh start with you being you, and not an image of yourself.

It is a great ride to connect to and to work with François. I invite you to take this ride to see yourself get rid of whatever hinders your evolution to the mission and life you are made for.

Alain “Tex” Thewys

Picture of Alain Thewys, surnamed Tex

My first meeting with François took place in another century. At that time, I came from a background opposed to spirituality. François takes me on board, transports me, from shamanic journeys to astral discoveries. I received a teaching whose importance I did not get at that time. After several months, our paths separate without me really knowing why, but I feel good, different. This gift that François gave me will accompany me for years, I feel guided and I evolve in serenity. I love my life, I love who I am without really knowing who I am. I go through time, with its good moments and also the more painful ones, but I remain confident.

More than 25 years separate us from this meeting, and I am going through very complicated professional times, which also complicates my private life. I am suddenly afraid of losing everything I have acquired, everything I have built along the way. I feel empty, exhausted, and I wander around dragging my feet. I cannot find any solution. So I'm looking for spiritual help to reboost me. This is much easier in our time when well-being professions are booming. There is something for everyone, and with prices that are rarely in line with the results.

I then wonder: what happened to François? I search but he hides. Finally, I come across an old phone number listed on an advertisement for a shamanic journey that he had organized years ago. Obviously I'm ringing... Hello François, is that you? Match! I explain my setbacks and my discomfort to him. We engage into an intensive work for a month with shamanic activation….

As soon as the right energies are activated, my mindset rises at an incredible speed, I am surprised by the radical changes both in and around me. It is magic. In two months, I regained my lost energy and my well-being, all with a strength I didn't know I had.

To sum it all up, François is the man of my life. THANK YOU.

Sophie Van Kerckhove

Picture of Sophie Van Kerckhove

I met François through a common relationship. Several years later, I went to his place of life, Gérardnoue at the time, which welcomed personal development groups. For me, it was a personal retreat. I needed a refreshing place away from my daily life.

I stayed there for 3 weeks, during which I shared the place with François and his 3-year-old daughter, a bit like a neighbor, a bit like family, a bit like friends, a bit like people with whom a bond is created, where flow in the relationship is obvious. Since then, they have been part of my “heart” family as I like to call it, the one we choose and which chooses us.

It feels so obvious, and there is no need to ask any question. It is what it is. We are. How would the mind be able to understand what binds us? Why would it be necessary to define it? We experience it, and it is so natural.

Vanessa Renson

Picture of Vanessa Renson

When I finally allowed myself to call on François, I was pleasantly surprised to find that what he was offering was a completely new formula. Our joint work started with a panel of possibilities. Everything is absolutely tailor-made, the price, the means of putting us in contact which is clearly the second strong point of this support. Because the number 1 is, without a doubt, the quality of our work. Its attention and care has framed every moment I go through.

Every interaction is done with the utmost trust and concern for my well-being. This coaching is very refreshing, because it brings a reflection, a new vision, a flexibility and an openness to my often hard and rigid introspection. In fact, having these interactions with François, who sees things in such a beautiful way, creates bridges in me, which opens me to love and understanding for myself.

What I like the most is his honesty, he doesn't rub me the wrong way which is the biggest help, no fuss, lies or manipulation. Since we started our work, I feel much more sure of myself, it's much more than a feeling, it's the certainty that I am finally on the right road.

With all my heart, thank you François.

Jordana Widosuwito

Picture of Jordana Widosuwito

François has a gift. He has an enormous flexibility in recognising what you need for a successful coaching.

His attention to my needs from the very start, from my budget to our communication style (choice of WhatsApp, Messenger or phone calls for example) to the number of interactions we would have has been fantastic.

He is always quick to respond and insightful. He gives support but doesn’t sugarcoat things. He challenges me within the boundaries I still feel comfortable. He really cares! His meaningful comments allow me to think, and to reflect.

His trust, as well as respect for me and my needs is his approach, and it makes me feel truly blessed to have François as my coach.

The white egret is a spiritual symbol of good fortune, prosperity, new beginnings, wealth, and wisdom. This pic by Ted Erski via Pixabay.

The white egret is a spiritual symbol of good fortune, prosperity, new beginnings, wealth, and wisdom. This pic by Ted Erski via Pixabay.